Monthly Archives: January 2012

Hasta Luego!


Happy new year! I wish you all a happy, healthy year ahead! I am so excited for what 2012 will bring, especially what I’m doing this month-I’m off to Peru for all of January. That being said, I’ll have very, very limited access to internet as I’m not bringing a computer so I am saying hasta luego to digintobooks (just for the month).

I am SO excited to go to Peru and the experiences that it will bring. After going to Peru, I’ll have covered 6 out of the 7 continents (we’ll see if a trip to Antarctica ever makes its way into my life…). I’ll certainly miss blogging and hearing from all of you, but I’ll be back in February with books to read and an appetite to fill so check back then for some new posts!

Hope you have a great month of January and an incredible start to the new year. Dig deep into books, food, and life!